
You can do all you want in the gym but if you are not eating right then you are fighting an uphill battle.


Fat loss is a common goal and there is a lot of confusion around thesedays with everyone an expert.  Whatever you read on fat loss will tell you something different and the amount of people counting calories is scary.  Watch our view on calories and fat loss below.


That's why we continue to invest a lot of money into our nutritional training and education, especially applying it to fat loss in sports and exercise as these go hand in hand.  We are proud members of the International Society of Sports Nutrition and the results we continue to achieve are life-changing when it comes to fat loss.


Across all our platforms; Personal Training, Bootcamps and Social Media, we will continue to educate you on fat loss, what to eat/when, particularly around your training and goals.


Read just some of the success stories achieved by our clients who have followed our advice, educated themselves and applied these learnings to their daily living.

Hear our view on calories...



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Name of company: Quality For Life Fitness.
Reg number: 2289125
Registered office:
Unit 4B Park Mill, Holcombe Rd, Helmshore, BB4 4NP
Contact details: Tel: 01706 213 170