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Technique is key!  Here's a selection of exercises we do across our sessions, highlighting correct and effective technique.  Come back soon for more...



The Squat Thrust

Works: Full body!


Tip: Up the tempo to recruit fast muscle fibres...but not at the expense of technique!

The Inverted Row

Works: Back, Biceps, Forearms, and by keeping as straight as possible your entire core is working too.


Tip: At the top try and squeeze your shoulder blades together...and descend slowly.

The Goblet Squat

Works: Calves, Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Abs, Back, Chest, Shoulders, Arms, Heart...EVERYTHING!


Tip: Add a slight pause at the bottom of your squat, brace yourself, drive up! 

The Wall Ball

Works: Calves, Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Abs, Back, Chest, Shoulders, Arms, Heart...EVERYTHING!


Tip: Brace your abs and catch at head height...always keeping the ball at head height!

Tricep Pulldown

Works: Triceps, Biceps, Forearms, Shoulders, Back, Chest, Abs.


Tip: Imagine a pole through one elbow, your body, and the other elbow. Don't move them



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Name of company: Quality For Life Fitness.
Reg number: 2289125
Registered office:
Unit 4B Park Mill, Holcombe Rd, Helmshore, BB4 4NP
Contact details: Tel: 01706 213 170